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  • Plaques from ARRL for last year's participation in the Sweepstakes contest
  • Will: collected dues for deposit from Karolina Sarnowska; other action items from last week still apply
  • Foxhunt: Meet at Bodo's between 11:30 and noon on Nov. 14; No car-based hunt; Matt to possibly hide fox (or Mark's roommate/other 3rd party). Mark to coordinate with Mike from VTARA.
  • New Tower developments: Dr. Scott Barker is willing to assist the club in securing funds for labor costs of a tower install. Needs a plan and cost estimates from us in order to proceed. Bert and Tom to work this effort.
  • Ongoing internet investigations in reactor building: Mark and Bert working these issues. Carobotics leader expressed concern about ham frequencies and interference. IG and Mitch Rosen investigating Carobotics and rest of reactor building for rogue routers and wireless interference to WiFi internet. Detailed information about every transmitter, regardless of frequency or purpose, requested by ITC through Paul Benneche (Mark and Bert completing form). Mark and Bert to meet with adviser Dr. John Knight to assess situation on future courses of action.
  • Other: CQWW was great success vs. last year's contest results, with over 100 QSOs (vs. 34 last year); CQWW (CW) this weekend (Bert may operate some); repeater has controller problems where time/date memory keep getting erased (Mark to investigate, Bert may assist); Much more history added to our knowledge base thanks to 1970 alumni input! Peter Briggs (former W4UVA president from the '70s, avid local C'ville contester) to come to one of our meetings this fall.